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With Grant Writing – we focus on:Grant Writing and Development
Exempt and Charitable Status of Nonprofits
Following Standards of Charitable Accountability
Understanding your Foundation's 990-PF
Evaluating Foundation RFPs and Government NOFAs
Researching statistics to document the Problem Statement
Writing goals, objectives, outcomes, and program narrative
Planning program evaluations
Writing a Letter of Inquiry, Proposal, and Applications for Foundations
Writing the Government Grant Applications
Planning Nonprofit Program Budgets and Government non-construction Budgets
Adhering to Professional Standards and EthicsApplying for funding from foundations, corporations or the government can be a great way to enhancement your current fundraising plans. On its own, grant writing will not resolve colossal problems in your fundraising. Grant writing will never be a quick and simple solution to your nonprofit’s funding afflictions and Grants cannot and should not be the bread and butter of your nonprofit revenue.
1. Applying for grants is hard work: If you want a reasonable chance of getting your grant application accepted, you will not be able to write one generic application and send off duplicates to foundations. You will need to do some intense examination to modify your application. Even when you do the work to stack the deck in your favor, there is no assurance you will receive funding.
2. Grants can’t be your bread and butter: Grant-based funding is not sustainable alone - it has to be part of a diversified fundraising plan. It is recommended that about twenty percent of your funding be grant-based; any more, and you risk sinking the battleship of your organization if a key grant discontinues or does not come through for you.
3. There are strings attached: While unrestricted funding exists in the funding world, it is much more common to succeed with grants with more specific goals. Grants are usually allocated to fund a new program, which encourages ongoing projects.
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